Everybody loves getting discounts when purchasing goods. But finding good deals is not easy. Most of the deals appear only for a short time and disappear.
In most cases, you will only realize when the deal is over. The best thing to do is to try and master the right time for discounts. However, doing this by yourself is almost impossible. This is where price tracking tools come in.
Price-tracking apps are great for people who frequently shop online. This is because prices are constantly changing. It is almost impossible to keep track of prices manually. It can be frustrating to find the price of an item you bought a few weeks back has doubled or even tripled. But with a price tracking tool, you can know when the price of an item drops or increases.
If you are looking for a tool that can give you alerts every time the price of your preferred product or brand drops, then Visualping is all you need. This is one of the best price tracking tools for specific products you are searching for. The tool has a change detection mechanism that sends notifications or alerts of all manner of changes such as items in stock, promotions, and concert tickets among others.
Besides price tracking, the application can help in identifying job openings as well as conducting an in-house-hunting process.
The process of tracking prices is simple. Visit Visualping.io and create an account. After that, insert the URL of the page you wish to track and choose the listed price area. You will be sent an email notification as soon as the price changes. Ensure to select the visual-compare option so that a screenshot of the new price highlighted in red is included in the email alerts.
This is another popular price-tracking tool. The application which is a Chrome extension compares prices from a host of retailers including Amazon. A user can create a Droplist that notifies them whenever there’s a price reduction on an item in their list. The application also locates promo codes and automatically applies them to the user’s card when they are shopping on the retailer’s website.
As a honey user, you can collect Honey Gold – a percentage back from products bought from over 4,500 online stores. You can then trade gold for gift cards to stores like Groupon, Amazon, Macy’s, and more. The good thing about Honey is that it gives you other insights into the price trends of products. All you have to do is create an account and follow the prompts.
Most price tracking tools focus on helping users determine when it is the best time to buy. But this is not the case with Earny. The app is a shopping assistant that tracks the spending history of users. It then sends out alerts in case they qualify for a price adjustment.
After installing the app and creating an account, the tool will scan your email and automatically generate a database of all your online purchases. In case the price of one of the products you previously bought drops, you will get an email notification. In case you are an Amazon shopper, this price tracking tool will also keep track of all the shipments. The app can also help you recover your money in case of late deliveries. The app has an annual fixed price of $19.99.
Many people are always keen to save a few dollars when shopping online. Previously, it was difficult to track the prices of favorite products online. But price-tracking apps have made things easier. These apps can provide real-time information about the price changes of different online products. All you need is to choose a price tracking tool that offers offer the best results.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional consultation or advice related to your health or finances. No reference to an identifiable individual or company is intended as an endorsement thereof. Some or all of this article may have been generated using artificial intelligence, and it may contain certain inaccuracies or unreliable information. Readers should not rely on this article for information and should consult with professionals for personal advice.